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Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Angeline Improves Her Eating & Communication Skills During Meals

February 28, 2022
Every day our therapists get the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing kids and help them develop to their full potential. It brings us...

Alice Excels in Treatment Sessions, Displays Improvement Every Day

February 23, 2022
A perinatal stroke occurs anytime between the middle of pregnancy—around 22 weeks— and the first month of a newborn’s life. This means a perinatal...

Elise Making Great Progress in Multiple Therapy Sessions

February 17, 2022
Eleven-year-old Elise M. was born with Polymicrogyria (PMG), a condition characterized by abnormal development of the brain before birth....

Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

February 14, 2022
Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological disorder that affects a child’s basic motor functions. It is the most common type of motor disability and...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Journey Levels Up His Writing Skills with Speech & Language Therapy

February 3, 2022
At Care Options for Kids, we are so fortunate to get the opportunity to work with the most amazing kids day in and day out. It’s for this reason...

Rhotacism: /R/ Speech Impediment in Children

February 2, 2022
It is estimated that up to 700,000 students within the American public school system are characterized as having a language or speech impediment....

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Daxton Flourishes In His Integrated Telehealth Therapy

January 12, 2022
Every month, we like to take the opportunity to introduce you to one of the amazing kids we have the privilege of working with. These kids work...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Maya Finds Her "Groove" in Speech Therapy

December 13, 2021
We are constantly in awe of the amazing progress we see in the kids we work with each and every day, which is why we love to spotlight their...

Local Teen with Cerebral Palsy Celebrates Accomplishments with Physical Therapy Team

August 4, 2021
Cerebral Palsy (CP), a disorder that affects a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture, is caused by abnormal brain development or...

In-Home Therapy Provides Comfort and Convenience for Families With Premature Infants

July 8, 2021
Occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and feeding therapy all address specific developmental challenges that preemies may face Over...
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