Blog, News, & Resources

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Babys First Food

August 15, 2018
For the first five or six months of life, babies get all their calories, nutrients, and water from breast milk or formula. At around age six months,...

Household Items to Develop Fine Motor Skills

August 8, 2018
Most Colorado kids have been on summer break for about six weeks now, and if your kids are anything like mine, they’re getting a little bored with...

Speech Tips

July 31, 2018
Whether or not your child has been diagnosed with any speech challenges, there are many tips and tricks for speech therapy at home that you can do to...

How Occupational Therapy Helps Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder

July 17, 2018
Pediatric occupational therapists use a variety of different methods and techniques to encourage the skills needed for kids to live their best life....

Babies and Torticollis

July 6, 2018
By definition, torticollis is “a condition in which the head becomes persistently turned to one side, often associated with painful muscle spasms”....

Sensory Pre-Handwriting

June 20, 2018
Pre-Handwriting skills are essential for pediatric development. Pre-writing skills are the lines and strokes kids need to master and know BEFORE...

Reading and Speech Development

June 12, 2018
Most people would agree that reading to your child is important. It’s no secret that when a parent or caregiver reads to their child, countless...

Feeding Therapy for Picky Eaters

June 8, 2018
Whether your child is 12 months or 12 years, having a picky eater can be a super stressful situation during feeding time. For every child that...

Choosing a Therapist

May 22, 2018
Things to Keep in Mind when Choosing a Pediatric Speech Therapist, Pediatric Occupational Therapist or Pediatric Physical Therapist for your Child ...

Why In-Home Occupational Therapy?

May 1, 2018
There are many reasons children benefit from in-home occupational therapy. The four main reasons for in-home therapy are: recovery from an illness or...
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