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Getting the message out
May 2, 2012
Even though we’re experts in communication, it can be difficult to think of new ways to communicate our message to already overloaded teachers, busy...
Easily Distracted? Teaching skills within language activities
March 16, 2012
In addition to behavior management issues, SLPAs and their supervising SLPs should consider the specific needs of their students with Attention...
How to Help a Child with ADHD
March 14, 2012
Chances are good that you have students on your caseload who struggle with attention issues or have been diagnosed with ADHD. Speech and language...
Teaching Comprehension Strategies
February 11, 2012
Language is the basis for learning in schools, and many of our students have goals related to vocabulary, organizing narratives, and critical...
Your Two Cents: An SLPA Perspective
January 10, 2012
SLPAs and paraprofessionals are often the eyes and ears for SLPs with large caseloads or for those SLPs working offsite in a Distance Service...
Keeping Data?
October 24, 2011
Now that you know the kids on your caseload and your schedule is running (almost?) smoothly, the big question is: Are students making progress? Is...
Therapy on the Playground
September 26, 2011
Enjoy the glorious fall weather – plan an outside therapy day! 1. Review the goal areas of your students Could students with articulation goals...
What’s important at your school?
September 19, 2011
Does your school have a simple set of rules posted in the hallways or by the entry? Do your students have classroom rules posted? Maybe you have...
SLP-A Supervision: More than Sitting in the Same Room
May 11, 2011
The goal of supervision of SLPAs is to increase skill level in a way that: Allows for learning Encourages them to verbalize their needs Encourages...