Blog, News, & Resources

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Signs of Speech and Language Disorders in Children

May 3, 2023
As the nation recognizes Better Hearing and Speech Month this May, Jennie L., speech-language pathologist at Care Options for Kids, encourages...

Five-Year-Old Braeden Succeeding in Family CNA Program

April 18, 2023
Five-year-old Braeden was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and apraxia of speech. ASD requires substantial support, and there are...

Infant Diagnosed With Periventricular Leukomalacia Discharged From PT

March 8, 2023
One-year-old Charlotte was born at 26 weeks of gestation and suffered a brain bleed a few days after her birth. Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)...

The Top Skills Required for Success as a Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist

January 12, 2023
Having the right skills and qualities to succeed as a pediatric speech language pathologist is essential for maintaining quality of care. Speech and...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Investing in Isaiah's Future with Speech and Language Therapy

December 19, 2022
Our last celebration focused on Xavian and Zaneida who are both thriving in their shared speech therapy sessions using multiple-step activities...

Alice sobresale en las sesiones de tratamiento, muestra una mejora todos los días

November 30, 2022
Un accidente cerebrovascular perinatal ocurre en cualquier momento entre la mitad del embarazo (alrededor de las 22 semanas) y el primer mes de...

Six-Year-Old Thriving in Telehealth Speech Therapy Sessions

November 22, 2022
There are three levels of autism that identify the amount of support an autistic person might need. ASD Level 1 is the mildest form, with children...

El trastorno del lenguaje expresivo de Annabelle mejora con la terapia de telesalud

November 17, 2022
Desde el momento del nacimiento, los niños comienzan a aprender y expresarse a través del lenguaje. A medida que crecen, su capacidad para...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Xavian & Zaneida Progress in Complex Speech Therapy Goals

October 25, 2022
The children we get to work with each and every day continue to inspire us with their hard work, tenacity, and overall willingness to learn and try...

Alfonso muestra un progreso asombroso en las sesiones de terapia ocupacional y del habla

October 20, 2022
A los dos años, Alfonso a menudo gritaba, lloraba y usaba la jerga para comunicarse. A menudo se escapaba de las actividades no preferidas y rara...
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