Blog, News, & Resources

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Neurological Disorders in Children

November 11, 2021
The term “neurologic disorder” applies to any condition caused by a dysfunction in part of the brain or nervous system, resulting in physical and/or...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Eli is Exploring His Mealtime Options With Success

October 28, 2021
It’s time for Care Options for Kids to celebrate once again! A few weeks ago we featured Saeed who was wowing all of us with his rapid progress in...

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder and How is it Diagnosed and Treated?

October 14, 2021
Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition seen in children and adults that can affect the way that they are able to interact with...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Saeed's Rapid Progress with Speech Therapy

September 30, 2021
It’s that time again where we introduce one of the many superstar kids we get to work with each and every day! Last time, you met Pearl who was...

Sensory Processing Disorder in Children

September 30, 2021
When a child's senses aren't following through Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a condition that affects how the brain processes sensory...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Pearl is Boldly Embracing Her Occupational Therapy Wins

September 8, 2021
It's time to celebrate again! We have the privilege to work with so many amazing kids that we really can't stop talking about them. It's their...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations | Adrian Gets "More" From Speech & Language Therapy

August 5, 2021
We are always in awe of the amazing progress the kids we work with make every day. For this reason, we love to take time and share stories about the...

Pediatric Feeding Therapy, Help with Learning to Eat

July 20, 2021
Teaching a child to eat We have all experienced “picky eaters” but some of the issues surrounding mealtime go beyond a simple dislike of peas or...

In-Home Therapy Provides Comfort and Convenience for Families With Premature Infants

July 8, 2021
Occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy and feeding therapy all address specific developmental challenges that preemies may face Over...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations: Korvin's Success in Lines and Letters

June 29, 2021
It's important to us to celebrate the victories of our young champions by sharing the progress of the amazing kids we are lucky enough to work with...
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