Blog, News, & Resources

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Finding the Right Doctor for Your Family

February 20, 2019
A good time to begin your search is about 3 months before the baby is expected. If you're in a managed health care plan, your choice of participating...

Pediatricians vs Family Physicians

February 7, 2019
Awaiting the birth of a baby is an exciting time, and a busy one. Along with considering baby names and buying a crib, choosing the right health care...

Helping your Child Sleep through the Night

February 1, 2019
When we think of the phrase “sleep training,” most of us probably think of babies. Most parents know that babies need help and encouragement to sleep...

Baby Sleep

January 23, 2019
Parents hear a lot about when and how to stop swaddling, but what comes next? Newborns have very immature nervous systems, lots of reflexive...

Healthy Food: How to Create Happy, Healthy, Eaters

January 18, 2019
Childhood is an exciting time of learning and exploration; throughout the younger years, kids learn important skills and habits that they carry with...

Five Great Sleep Apps for Kids

January 17, 2019
If you have a kid that just won’t sleep, this is the article for you! First thing is first: you’re not alone! Ask any parent out there, we have ALL...

Strategies You Can Use at Home to Help Your Child With ADHD

January 14, 2019
ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – is “thought to be caused by developmental differences in the brain that affects the parts of...

Teething in Babies: Symptoms & Remedies

January 11, 2019
Teething is hard work and unfortunately it is something we all must go through. Thankfully, most of us don’t remember the pain! But what can you do...

How Parents Can Help With School

December 18, 2018
As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When parents and families are involved in their children's schools, the...

Games to Encourage Speech and Language Development in Older Children (You’ll Enjoy Them, Too!)

December 14, 2018
Open up the bag of any SLP, and you’ll find a slew of resources for younger kids. Games, activities and books that aid in speech and language...
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