Blog, News, & Resources

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Should my Child get the Flu Vaccine?

October 9, 2018
With summer behind us and fall and winter in front of us, there are endless things to look forward to! Cooler temperatures, a slew of holiday...

Healthy Snack Ideas For Back To School

September 28, 2018
Busy families sometimes have trouble fitting in three healthy meals each day. Take extra care to make certain your child’s snacks are every bit as...

Sensory Travel Tips

September 10, 2018
Traveling with kids is notoriously tricky, but partaking in a getaway with a child who has autism or sensory integration issues can be exhausting,...

Best Speech and Language Development Apps

August 15, 2018
Love it or hate it, computers, tablets, and smartphones can all be extremely effective tools in speech and language development for children....

Baby's First Tooth

August 3, 2018
There's nothing quite as adorable as a baby's gummy smile, especially when it's your child's. But it's only a matter of time before those first teeth...

Physical Therapy Exercises

July 24, 2018
Core strengthening is essential for the progression of nearly all other developmental skills. The core is the center of control for everything else...

Weird Baby: Preparing for a New Baby

July 17, 2018
So you were prepared for the good, the bad and maybe even the ugly…but has the weird of your brand new baby caught you a little off guard? In between...

Adapting Play for Individual Kids

June 22, 2018
Is my child anxious or uneasy in social situations? – Social anxiety is a real thing, even with little kids. If your child attends a day care or...

Choosing a Therapist

May 22, 2018
Things to Keep in Mind when Choosing a Pediatric Speech Therapist, Pediatric Occupational Therapist or Pediatric Physical Therapist for your Child ...

Pediatric Speech Therapy - Involving Siblings

May 4, 2018
As a parent of one child who received pediatric speech therapy while the other child did not, I know firsthand that some issues can arise. My older...
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