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Does My Child Have Sensory Processing Disorder: How to Get Help
February 5, 2020
Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is commonly misunderstood and tends to be misdiagnosed as either autism or ADHD. And yet the reality is that SPD is...

The Move From a Crib To a Big Kid’s Bed
March 20, 2019
A major milestone that stands between the exit of infancy and the entrance to childhood is the move from a crib to a big kid’s bed. If your toddler...

Finding the Right Doctor for Your Family
February 20, 2019
A good time to begin your search is about 3 months before the baby is expected. If you're in a managed health care plan, your choice of participating...

Dressing Milestones
February 11, 2019
If your house is anything like my house in the morning, there are a lot of words exchanged back-and-forth between my kids and I about getting...

Pediatricians vs Family Physicians
February 7, 2019
Awaiting the birth of a baby is an exciting time, and a busy one. Along with considering baby names and buying a crib, choosing the right health care...

The Importance of Early Intervention
January 21, 2019
Every child develops and matures at his or her own pace. However, there are times when certain developmental milestones are missed. Parents begin to...

Speech Delay in Toddlers
January 16, 2019
Kids understand language far before they know how to speak. Science tells us that babies can actually hear us when they are in utero, and new...

Toe Walking in Children
October 5, 2018
After tons of practice, ups, downs, and tumbles, most children walk between the ages of 10 and 14 months. This is typically a fun and exciting time...

Baby Apps and Tools
August 15, 2018
Being a new parent is the most rewarding role a person can take on in their lifetime. But with every new job there is always a learning curve. There...

Babys First Food
August 15, 2018
For the first five or six months of life, babies get all their calories, nutrients, and water from breast milk or formula. At around age six months,...