Blog, News, & Resources

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Care Options for Kids Celebration: Katianna Smashes Her Speech & Lanuage Therapy Goals!

September 9, 2020
Twice a month, we are taking time to spotlight the progress and victories our amazing kids are accomplishing! Last time, we got to see how Harrison...

Care Options for Kids Celebrations: Selah’s Progress in Speech Therapy

July 27, 2020
Every other week we publish a celebration post featuring the achievements our kids are making! We love being able to celebrate each of them: The hard...

Ear Tubes for Children: Learn the Benefits and Risks

November 27, 2019
Ear tubes are tiny tubes made of metal or plastic. During ear tube surgery, a small hole is made in the eardrums and the tubes are inserted. The...

Speech Development

February 4, 2019
What happens when a parent first expresses concern about a toddler’s speech development? How can a parent know whether a child is simply a...

Is Your Kid Stuttering?

January 28, 2019
Last week, I was deep in conversation with my 2-year-old niece, and every so often she would get seemingly stuck on a letter or sound, repeat it a...

The Importance of Early Intervention

January 21, 2019
Every child develops and matures at his or her own pace. However, there are times when certain developmental milestones are missed. Parents begin to...

Speech Delay in Toddlers

January 16, 2019
Kids understand language far before they know how to speak. Science tells us that babies can actually hear us when they are in utero, and new...

Games to Encourage Speech and Language Development in Older Children (You’ll Enjoy Them, Too!)

December 14, 2018
Open up the bag of any SLP, and you’ll find a slew of resources for younger kids. Games, activities and books that aid in speech and language...

Helping your Child with Speech Therapy at Home

March 30, 2018
One of the most common questions our speech-language pathologists are asked is “how can I help my child progress when you’re not here?” For these...
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