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Your Child’s Engine Level
March 1, 2019
Have you noticed when it’s just about time for bedtime your child starts playing even harder, running around and chatting your ear off? This is your...

Pediatricians vs Family Physicians
February 7, 2019
Awaiting the birth of a baby is an exciting time, and a busy one. Along with considering baby names and buying a crib, choosing the right health care...

Is Your Kid Stuttering?
January 28, 2019
Last week, I was deep in conversation with my 2-year-old niece, and every so often she would get seemingly stuck on a letter or sound, repeat it a...

Should my Child get the Flu Vaccine?
October 9, 2018
With summer behind us and fall and winter in front of us, there are endless things to look forward to! Cooler temperatures, a slew of holiday...

Baby Apps and Tools
August 15, 2018
Being a new parent is the most rewarding role a person can take on in their lifetime. But with every new job there is always a learning curve. There...

Best Speech and Language Development Apps
August 15, 2018
Love it or hate it, computers, tablets, and smartphones can all be extremely effective tools in speech and language development for children....

Baby's First Tooth
August 3, 2018
There's nothing quite as adorable as a baby's gummy smile, especially when it's your child's. But it's only a matter of time before those first teeth...

How to Encourage Speech and Language Development at Home
July 17, 2018
As with most developmental milestones, the age at which kids start cooing and talking varies greatly. Some babies babble when they are just a few...

Why In-Home Occupational Therapy?
May 1, 2018
There are many reasons children benefit from in-home occupational therapy. The four main reasons for in-home therapy are: recovery from an illness or...